The LYG is an inclusive, relationship based, community that exists to help 6th-12th grade students know God and God’s love for them, deepen relationships with each other and the congregation, and serve others.
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“Our passion is for students to take ownership of their own faith, and take that faith into adulthood. We achieve this by providing opportunities such as our weekly Wednesday night youth program, our weekly Sunday morning Bible study, weekly outreach events, monthly service projects, weekend retreats, mission trips, summer camps, discipleship opportunities, and relationships with committed Christian adults.”
Sunday Mornings
9:00 - 10:15am: Students participate in our large group worship time in the auditorium
10:30 - 11:15am: Students are invited to join the teen class in the youth room. Students are also welcome in any of our adult classes.
Wednesday Nights
6:30-7:00pm: Students will enter through the North doors and head to the fellowship hall. We’ll have time to hangout, chat and play games.
7:00-7:30pm: All students will be in the youth room for a big group discussion.
7:30-8:15pm: Students will meet in small groups led by adult leaders.
8:15pm: Pick-up underneath carport.