Abide in Christ:
Equipping parents to be the primary faith trainers.
Teaching for transformation- The Gospel will be taught at every Bible class time.
Cultivating a love of God’s word- through rich story telling and engaging lessons within the context of the Bible.
Teaching and developing Bible skills from Birth.
Teaching fundamental truths about God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Sin and the Bible.
Loving the church:
Make sure that each child has an opportunity to build a relationship with one family other than their own.
Multigenerational worship & discipleship- opportunities for children to participate and see modeled genuine worship in a cooperate setting.
Family engagement activities scheduled throughout the year.
Maintaining classroom upkeep. Keeping them organized, and clean.
Providing children with a safe place to learn about God, through regular safety trainings for all adults.
Creating a check-in system and space for name tags, with allergy and legal guardian information.
Witnessing to the world:
Provide simple opportunities for families individually and corporately to serve the community.
Teaching parents to be models of Christians who live on mission.
Providing opportunities during the current Bible class model to teach children how to teach others about Jesus.