What will I need to be prepared for?
Our Sunday morning auditorium time begins at 9:00a.m. and finishes around 10:15a.m. We sing together. We hear thought-provoking and engaging messages or personal stories based on the Bible and our own encounters with God. We have a time of “communion” where we take bread & juice that represent the body and blood of Jesus and remind us of our forgiveness that he paid for with his own life.
Dress is casual. People are friendly. When you enter, you’ll be greeted and given some information about us.
We take up a collection of money each week. This money is for the financial support of the Lakewood Church ministers and the various programs that we offer to our church and our community. If you want to partner financially with us you can drop your contribution in the baskets as it is passed during our service. You don’t need to feel embarrassed if financial partnership is not something you’ve considered or chosen. People give back in all sorts of ways here.
If you would like to get an idea of what our worship service looks like you can watch previous weeks by clicking here.
After our time together in our auditorium, we invite you to join us for Bible classes for all ages beginning at 10:30am.
I'd still like to participate online? What do I need to be prepared for?
Each week we will livestream our 9:00am service. Make sure you chat in with our other live stream viewers! Recordings from previous services can be found on our YouTube page.
When will service conclude?
Our service in the auditorium will end around 10:15am. We'll use the next few minutes to greet one another, meet you if you're visiting with us, and move into our Bible class time. We will end our Bible classes around 11:15am.
Will there be anything for my kids?
We offer a fully staffed nursery during both our auditorium time and our Bible classes. We provide kids packs for our youngest children so there can be something specifically geared towards them to interact with during our auditorium time. We offer two sessions for children during our Bible class time: a preschool class and an elementary aged class. If you have teens, we invite them to join our Lakewood Youth Group Bible class. Visit our Children's Ministry and Lakewood Youth Group pages for more information.
All of our teachers have passed a full background check and are excited to be interacting with your children.