Life In The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is not an option, your relationship with God and Jesus will include the Holy Spirit. This is a tri-unity, the way God planned it.

The Holy Spirit is not the Bible, not a ghost, not it. He (The holy spirit, John 14: 15-18) uses the Bible as a sword (Eph 5). He has been around since the world was formed (Gen 1:2), and He hovered over the water like an adoring parent. He is the ever-present always working finger of God, hand of God, Sword of God, the action hero of the almighty. He takes our prayers to Yahweh in groans and incomplete thoughts and delivers miracles, comfort, guidance and peace. The voice in your head, angel on your shoulder, feeling in your heart that pleads; seek Him first, go a different direction, or stop that bad habit is likely the nudging of the Holy Spirit.

The counselor, comforter, Spirit of truth will be with us FOREVER.

The Bible tells me that some people were given the Holy Spirit in the first testament; they were prophets, some kings, some warriors, and some leaders of the people. God worked through the people he chose and they received gifts and talents to accomplish the things God wanted. He gives us this same Holy Spirit, we should use this spirit to do the things God wants, and he wants us to survive and prosper.

The Bible tells me that, then, after Jesus made atonement (justification) for our sins and disbelief we were to wait and another would come. The “another “is the comforter, counselor, Holy Spirit of God. This Holy Spirit is given to all who believe, another word for believe is trust. The Holy Spirit is alive and active today and embodies the essence of grace. The un-forgivable sin is to blaspheme the Holy Spirit; this can’t be forgiven, the only cure is belief.

We are witnesses of these things and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey him. (Acts 5:32). Another word for obey is trust and follow; be a follower. The obedience that comes from faith was given to all. (Ro 1:5)

How can we live in the Spirit? Start by being open to the Spirit. Seek the Lord, believe in his salvation, and accept His gift. When you pray, listen for his response, spend time with Him. When you put your baggage at the foot of the cross, don’t go back later and pick it up.

Remember; the Holy Spirit is active and working, keep the sword of the spirit (which is the word of God, Eph 6:17) close and sharp. Pray in the Spirit (Eph 6:18). God has revealed this to us by His Spirit (1 Cor 2:10).

No eye has seen, No ear has heard, No mind has conceived, What God has prepared for those who love him….

I recommend a book by Scott McKnight Open to the Spirit for further reading.

Scott’s prayer:
Lord, I am open to the Holy Spirit. Come to me, dwell in me, speak to me so I may become more like Christ.

Lord give me the courage to be open. Lord, I am open to the Holy Spirit. Come Holy Spirit. Amen

Author: Mark Clark, Elder


Eleven Nineteen Materials


Doing Great Things For God, Part II